Lighting workshop – residential

Ref: K2D33036

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About this course

To understand the basic principles of lighting design. Developing a lighting scheme into a detailed lighting plan. This course can be booked separately but is designed to link with the Introduction into lighting design – commercial projects (hospitality)\~ course (K1D33037).

NOTE: This course is only suitable for those with some understanding of design principles, but without detailed knowledge of lighting.

Course Description

With energy efficiency being a major part of any design, we have introduced an energy effect light box in our lighting studio. The Light box illustrates the effects of fluorescent, cold cathode and LED light sources, and demonstrates different colour temperatures, their light output and how to control them. With easy to view fittings, the light box clearly shows the size of each light source, its control gear or driver and how it is mounted.

This is now particularly important because compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations has become increasingly stringent. Part L requires that energy efficient lighting be used in both domestic (Part L1) and non-domestic (Part L2) buildings. The regulations currently apply to all new buildings and refurbishments. The light box is therefore a useful tool to enable students to see the radical advances in lighting technology.

Day 1: Lighting Principles
Dealing with the basic principles of lighting, the day will encourage the individual to think about lighting at the outset of a project rather than as an addition to a scheme.
There will be studio demonstrations where the different effects can be seen working and an exciting, inspirational lecture will be given showing the different ways the professional lighting designer achieves these effects.

In addition, a practical studio session will cover the principle types of lamps, fittings and controls available to the designer.

  • Psychology Of Light
  • Basic Principles of Lighting Design
  • Overview of Lamps (including Colour Temperature and Rendition, Beam Widths and Lamp Life)
  • Control Your Environment (including Total Home Integration) 

Day 2: Lighting Schemes & Plans
This day will examine how to put together a lighting plan, enabling the designer to specify the exact position of each chosen fitting to create the desired effect. The day will include an exercise to design a lighting scheme for a specific space.

  • How to develop a lighting scheme
  • What fittings to use
  • Where to place the fittings
  • Building up the circuits and layering of light
  • Lighting specification and circuit schedule
  • Examining specific areas of the house
  • Group projects include developing a lighting scheme for a client’s kitchen & bathroom and studying the end result with the lighting designer involved
  • A general overview of several projects including gardens highlighting all the main points of the two lighting days


This course takes place in London.
9.30am arrival on the day. Teaching hours 10.00am - 4.00pm

Course Materials

Additional information

Breakfast refreshments and a delicious light lunch will be provided on the first day of the course. While a vegetarian option is made available, we are unable to cater to specific food intolerances or food allergies.

Courses of interest