Audrey Fasquelle

Audrey is a specialist in marquetry and works in the automotive industry as a wood bespoke specialist. She trained for three years in cabinet making, wood carving and woodturning and a further three years in marquetry in France (one year at Ecole Boulle in Paris).

She has taught perspective drawing to cabinet maker students, and different marquetry techniques in primary schools and assisted woodturning tutors at Ecole Escoulen in France.

She has been rewarded with the winner of the Technical Education Award of Excellence for the Technical Education Anthology (Lauréat de l'enseignement technique, prix d'excellence pour le Florilège de l'enseignement technique) by AFDET Occitanie in 2022 and the First runner up for Prix de l’Excellence de la Main by the Rotary Club in Revel in 2013.

Describe your approach to teaching
My approach to teaching is open and adapted to anyone’s level. The result is not what matters, it is the learning journey. I am always there to answer any questions.

What inspires your own work?
My primary inspiration is nature. I like to work with natural materials. I use defects on the veneer or other materials as assets to create realistic renders.

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