Diploma Interior Design -

Ericka Morillo

Interior Designer

What is your professional background prior to KLC? 
Prior to coming to KLC, I worked as a hotel receptionist for six years. It brought forward a lot of experiences and transferable skills that can be useful in interior design but it wasn’t creatively stimulating. Like so many other people on the course, interior design was a passion that evolved from a young age and I felt that now was a good time to revisit and pursue my passion.

When you were looking for courses, what was it about this course that appealed to you? 
Having tried (and struggled) with part time learning in the past, it was really important for me to be in a classroom environment and not only have the support of tutors, but also the interaction with fellow students. I love that KLC welcomes career-changers. It attracts people from a range of professional backgrounds, the vast majority of which have no experience in interior design. As most people are learning from scratch, everyone is so supportive and this can be very comforting.

How does the course fit around your lifestyle? 
Adjusting from shift work has given me more structure to my week so I am now able to plan in advance. Timetables are distributed at the beginning of each term giving you an indication of what to expect. Specific self-directed study is also carefully outlined on the timetable to keep you on track.

What are you enjoying most about the course?
I love that every day at KLC is different. One day we’re sketching at the V&A, the next we’re making models. It keeps you engaged and excited. The course is very fast paced, but you have the full support of tutors. I have learnt much more in the past few weeks than I have in the last several years. I am also surprised at how much information I’m retaining despite the speed. 

Where do you look for inspiration?
London is such a rich resource. We’re very spoilt for choice. I like to go to museums, galleries and talks for inspiration but watching people, behaviours and spaces can be equally inspiring. Pinterest has some fantastic images and I love following people on Instagram developing a career doing what they love. 

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