Tapestry woven at West Dean Tapestry Studio. Photo Credit Chris Ison


Whether you are new to tapestry or looking to advance your practice, we offer study options from weekend beginner courses to full-time postgraduate Fine Art - Tapestry and Textile Art programmes. The professional Tapestry Studio and a house adorned with historic tapestries makes West Dean College of Arts and Conservation a unique place to learn tapestry weaving in the UK.

Short courses in Tapestry with Caron Penne

Short courses

Short courses in tapestry weaving are suitable for complete beginners to advanced weavers. They range in length from a weekend, three-four days and a week-long Summer School. Expert weavers who have worked, or are presently working in the Tapestry Studio, teach many of these courses including Philip Sanderson, Caron Penney and Pat Taylor.

See our tapestry Short Courses
'Nowhere', a landscape tapestry woven by Philip Sanderson at West Dean Tapestry Studio

Foundation Diploma in Tapestry Weaving

This two year programme offers tapestry weavers a broad insight into the technical and creative techniques of tapestry weaving, necessary for developing skills alongside building your own creative language. It is aimed at weavers who have completed a beginners' course at the College or elsewhere, and are looking to commit to extended and intensive programme of study.

Find out about the foundation diploma
Tapestry weaving at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation

Graduate Diploma and MFA

Alongside short courses, Studio Leader, Philip Sanderson also teaches students on the College's full time courses, including the Graduate Diploma in Fine Art and MFA (Master of Fine Art), validated by the University of Sussex.

"West Dean is the only college where I could study Tapestry Weaving at this level. The quality of the studio spaces and tuition has been excellent." Margaret Jones, Arts Student

Find out about the school of arts

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